women clothes dream

Investing in people

Helping Christian Small Businesses Succeed

Our mission is to support believers engaging in business in economically depressed areas according to our abilities, and even beyond our abilities, joining in the work our God and Father is doing for those who have a desire and ability to conduct business in a way that builds a platform for ministry.


Business Coaching

Beyond Partners provides business mentoring and business coaching to men or women in economically depressed areas of the world who intend to use their business as a platform to provide jobs for Christians who would otherwise be unemployed or at high risk, to evangelize, or in other ways use their business to develop mature followers of Jesus Christ.


Grant & Loan Program

Individual Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners who are enrolled in the Coaching Program are eligible to apply for the Loan and Grant Program. Grants are usually given only in conjunction with a Loan. A business will be qualified for one or more of the Beyond Partners programs if the meet the majority of the selection criteria.



While businesses supported by Beyond Partners should not neglect to do good to all people (Gal 6:9-10) in the community in which they operate, the primary purpose behind any business mentored by Beyond Partners will be contributing to the needs of the saints (Rom 12:10-13).



Women of the Way chicken business in Jinja, Uganda

Women of the Way Uganda

The Women of the Way seeks to reshape the lives of women living in poverty by training and empowering them in self-sustainable programs, and equipping them in the Word of God to bring true healing and transformed lives.

We are currently raising money for audio Bibles in the heart language of the women, many who can not read and have no Bible of their own.

Goal: $ 4,500


If you have expertise in business and would like to become a coach for a Brother or Sister in the developing world, we can help you get started!

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