school girls

Sponsor a Child for School in Uganda

Beyond Partners is joining with Women of the Way in Uganda to send little boys and girls to school. Public school is often not an option for many poor children in Uganda. The Women who make up the Christian fellowship called “Women of the Way” are from a people group in the north of Uganda called the Karamojong. They do not speak the local language in Uganda and are living in a permanent refuge camp and unable to mix with the local community due to this communication hurdle and prejudices that exist against them. Unable to maintain employment they are left to scavenge and do odd jobs just to feed their families. School is out of reach for their children. Beyond Partners is looking for volunteers here in the U.S. to sponsor a fellow Believer’s child in Uganda to go to school for one year. In addition to learning English, they will receive two meals a day and a school uniform. For just $255 you can send a child to school for an entire year and give them the blessing of protection and sustenance for today and hope for the future. Contact Debbie if you would be interested in sponsoring a student.

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