women studying the Bible

Provide an Audio Bible

Beyond Partners is raising money to purchase audio Bibles for our sisters in Christ who are part of the Women of the Way ministry in Jinja, Uganda. These women have been studying the Bible as part of a small fellowship in a permanent refugee camp outside the city. Many of the women have not had an opportunity for education and either can not read or do not have access to a Bible in their heart language. We have been able to find the audio New Testament in their language as well as some other Bible story programming in a solar powered MP3 player. The audio Bible will also come with the entire Bible in both Swahili and English. Would you consider a donation of $80 to purchase the Word of God for one of these precious ladies? Contact Debbie if you would like to donate.

mercy baby wow

Support Mercy Kasadah

In 2017 Mercy began a Bible Study in the slum of Messesa 3 outside Jinja, Uganda with the Karamojong women. For more than five years Mercy has faithfully shared the Word of God with these women and has seen many come to know Jesus as their savior and grow in the knowledge of our Lord. But due to the overwhelming physical and emotional needs of the women she has expanded her ministry to include counseling, first aid, help with medical bills, food/clothing distribution, and most recently started a chicken business where she employees some of the women to care for the chickens. Mercy has served faithfully in this ministry for all these years as a volunteer. Beyond Partners is raising money for monthly support for Mercy to take care of the needs of her own family as she continues to minister to these sisters in Christ. Contact Debbie if you would like to donate to support Mercy and her ministry.

For more information about Mercy and her ministry watch this great video!

You can donate to Mercy with Venmo by clicking the button below. Or you can mail a check to Beyond Partners at 7796 Polar Drive, Oak Ridge, NC  27310.

school girls

Sponsor a Child for School in Uganda

Beyond Partners is joining with Women of the Way in Uganda to send little boys and girls to school. Public school is often not an option for many poor children in Uganda. The Women who make up the Christian fellowship called “Women of the Way” are from a people group in the north of Uganda called the Karamojong. They do not speak the local language in Uganda and are living in a permanent refuge camp and unable to mix with the local community due to this communication hurdle and prejudices that exist against them. Unable to maintain employment they are left to scavenge and do odd jobs just to feed their families. School is out of reach for their children. Beyond Partners is looking for volunteers here in the U.S. to sponsor a fellow Believer’s child in Uganda to go to school for one year. In addition to learning English, they will receive two meals a day and a school uniform. For just $255 you can send a child to school for an entire year and give them the blessing of protection and sustenance for today and hope for the future. Contact Debbie if you would be interested in sponsoring a student.